Sunday, 18 May 2014



The discovery of numbers, which is considered as the greatest achievement of mankind led to the development of all kinds of calculating devices. Today we can’t imagine a work without numbers. It took thousand of years to get the present system of numbers, its development passed through several stages. 

The Stone Age man used pebbles for counting people or animals. Stone was replaced by sticks on a rope. All these computing techniques required some physical effort from man. A lot of work was required for large calculations and the process was very slow. Later these scratches and symbols were replaced by the present number system, Number system found its uses in astronomy building temples & churches and calculating areas. The discovery of zero by Indian mathematicians laid 
the foundation stone for numeric system.


The earliest and the simplest device that was used for Abacus was first developed in China and 
later its use spread to all parts of the world. Even today, it is still used in many countries like Soviet Union, Japan, China and other countries in Far East. It was the first device to introduce 
the concept of data-storage. ABACUS is a clay board with number of beads that are placed on rods (or) wires. The beads are moved from one side to another for counting.
Abacus Device
PASCAL’S ADDING MACHINE: (Date of Birth: 19 June 1623) 
The first mechanical adding machine was invented by Blasie Pascal called Pascaline, which used  
gears in1642. He 
developed it to help his father who was tax officerin France. The 
second machine was a more effective calculator produced by 
Gottfried Leibniz in 1684, which performed multiplication and division. 
Pascal Adding Machine

CHARLES BABBAGE:(Date of Birth: 26 December 1792)
Charles Babbage, a nineteenth century professor at Cambridge University is considered to be the fatherof modern digital computer. He designed his “Differential Engine” in 1822 and his “Analytical Engine” in 1833, which was designed later, is generally recognized as the milestone 
signifying the start of the computer age.
Differential Engine
Charles Babbage
Analytical Engine
In 1885, Herman Hollerith, a census  statistician with U.S.Census Bureau, developed a machine run on electricity for the first time for calculating and recording data. Hollerith’s machine was capable of reading both numbers and letters, processing and giving out letters and numbers in the desired from. The input was in the form of punched cards and the combinations of holes formed the ‘code’ of input data. He invented a machine that punched holes on cards which was called ‘Tabulator’. This machine processed the cards by detecting holes by electric contents and also performed the function of selecting and sorting the cards. This machine solved the information of 60 million people of 1890 U.S. census just in three years. In 1896. Hollerith established his own company called Tabulating Machine Company is today known as IBM

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